As a Level 3 Sponsor of ObesityWeek, you’re well-aware that the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) is joining with The Obesity Society (TOS) to host the first-ever event on November 11-16, 2013, in Atlanta, Georgia. This event is international in scope, and we need your support to share information about the event with scientists, surgeons and clinicians around the globe. Below are several promotional posts about the event, including a sample blog post, online calendar information, and social media posts. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact either myself or Mollie Turner at The Obesity Society ( Details for Online Calendar ObesityWeekSM 2013 Where Science and Treatment Meet Date: November 11-16, 2013 Location: Atlanta, Georgia Website: Contact: Lauren Maza, The Obesity Society, Overview: Don’t miss this inaugural event covering the full scope of the obesity issue from cutting-edge research presentations to intervention and public policy discussions. Physicians, surgeons, scientists, clinicians, integrated health professionals and policymakers, both national and international, will gather for the most comprehensive obesity agenda under one roof. ECO2013 XX Evropski kongres o gojaznosti Liverpool (UK), 12 – 15 maj 2013.godine Seminar Kontinuirane medicinske edukacije Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu NOVINE U PATOGENEZI I TERAPIJI GOJAZNOSTI 22.januar 2010. od 9¨C17 časova, Svečana sala Dekanata Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Uprkos preduzetim merama, epidemija gojaznosti još nije zaustavljena, kako u svetu, tako i u Srbiji, dovodeći do povećanog morbiditeta i mortaliteta od bolesti koje su udružene sa gojaznošću, kao što su to kardiovaskularne bolesti, dijabetes tipa 2, poremećaji reprodukcije i neke vrste karcinoma. Ovako zastupljeni zdravstveni problemu svetskim razmerama dovodi i doveoma intenzivnih istraživanja, posvećenih kako razumevanju patogentskih mehanizama koji učestvuju u nastanku i razvoju gojaznosti i sa njom udruženih oboljenja, tako i u razvoju odgovarajućih terapijskih procedura namenjenih korekciji gojaznosti. Kao predavači na ovom sastanku učestvuju renomirani stručnjaci sa medicinskih fakulteta u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu iz oblasti histologije, imunologije, endokrinologije, medicinske ekologije i higijene, ginekologije i hirurgije. Predavači (prema redosledu izlaganja): Akademik Vladimir Bumbaširević, Prof dr Svetoza Damjanović, Prof dr Vera Popović, Prof dr Tatjana Simić, Doc dr Vladimir Trajković, Doc dr Mirjana Šumarac-Dumanović, Prof dr Nebojša Lalić, dopisni član SANU, Prof dr Aleksandar Ljubić, Prof dr Aleksandra Kendereški, Prof dr Edita Stokić, Prof dr Jagoda Jorga, Prof drSlobodanAntić, Akademik Dragan Micić, Doc dr Đorđe Bajec Profil slušalaca: lekari primarne zdravstvene zaštite, internisti, endokrinolozi,kardiolozi, ginekolozi,nutricionisti i hirurzi PRIJAVLJIVANJE ZA SEMINAR, ukoliko nije drugačije navedeno, vrši se centru za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju: pismeno -faks 011/36-36-365, e-mail: ili na telefone 011/36 36 363 i 36 36 364 PROGRAM JE AKREDITOVAN OD STRANE ZDRAVSTVENOG SAVETA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE SA 6 POENA ZA POLAZNIKE SEMINARA informacije Služba za kontinurianu medicinsku edukaciju Tel: 3636363, 3636364 Fax: 3636365 preuzmi Program seminara Central European Diabetes Association (FID) Congress 2008 23. International Danube-Symposium on Diabetes mellitus (FID) – 3. Congress of the Central European Diabetes Association – 19 – 21. June 2008 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria The scientific programme consists of: 1. Lectures on up-to-date topics in diabetology, presented by leading experts from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries of Central Europe 2. Abstracts in all fields of clinical and experimental diabetology can be submitted by e-mail to the congress president ¨C Assoc. prof. Theodora Temelkova-Kurktschiev ( or ). Accepted abstracts can be presented as posters in German or in English. Deadline for abstracts submission is 30th April 2008 Accepted abstracts will be published in the journal „Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz¡°. Information on authors instructions can be seen on Congress registration: Congress fee (Euro) until April 30, 2008 after April 30, 2008 FID members 100 .- 140.- Associated FID members, students 50.- 70.- Non-members 140.- 180.- Further information on registration and hotel reservation is available on Travel grants: Authors, aged below 45 years, can apply for a travel grant of 500 € (in general this should be the first author of the abstract or there can be one applicant per abstract). Necessary requirements for the grant approval are 1. abstract acceptance, and 2. active FID-membership. The FID-membership can be applied for simultaneously with the applying for a travel grant (membership fee per year 10 Euro, homepage: Applications should be submitted to the secretary of the Association, Professor Dr. Raimund Weitgasser, Paracelsus Medizinische Privat-Universität, St. Johanns-Spital, M¨¹llner Hauptstraße 48, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria ( Prof. Theodora Temelkova-Kurktschiev, Sofia Prof. Helmut Schatz, Bochum Congress President FID-President