Akreditacija udruženja
Srpska asocijacija za proučavanje gojaznosti (SASO) osnovana je 10. oktobra 2006. godine nakon raspada bivše Jugoslavije. Na Generalnoj skupštini izabran je novi predsednik, prof. dr Dragan Micić (Beograd) i tri podpredsednika: prof. dr Jagoda Jorga (Beograd), prof. dr Slobodan Antić (Niš) i prof. dr Tatjana Ivković Lazar (Novi Sad). Sekretar organizacije SASO je doc. dr Mirjana Šumarac (Beograd), a blagajnik dr Milena Velojić (Niš). SASO je dobrovoljna, nepolitička asocijacija građana sa zajedničkim ciljevima u vezi sa proučavanjem gojaznosti i poboljšanjem prevencije i lečenja gojaznosti, a posebno ima za cilj da promoviše i podrži istraživanja u vezi sa gojaznošću ¨C uzroke, prevenciju i lečenje; da poboljša protok saznanja o gojaznosti i njihovu primenu; da olakša kontakt između pojedinaca koji su zainteresovani za problem gojaznosti i održanje telesne težine i organizacije; da aktivno učestvuju u primeni mera za suzbijanje gojaznosti. Asocijacija organizuje dva godišnja sastanka, šalje informacije članovima SASO i medijima, objavljuje relevantne informacije, žurnale i knjige, koordinira i učestvuje na sastancima bitnim za gojaznost, učestvuje u odabiru najboljih studija o gojaznosti, daje priznanja mladim istraživačima i podržava njihovo učešće na međunarodnim sastancima, pomaže osnivanje i rad organizacija koje rade na suzbijanju gojaznosti u Srbiji. Prvi radni sastanak je planiran za 21. februar pod nazivom „Pozicija Srbije u svetlu Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) za Evropu u suzbijanju gojaznosti¡ sa sedam različitih tema.
Serbian Association for the Study of Obesity (SASO) was established on 10th October 2006, after the splitting of former Yugoslavia. On a General Assembly new president was elected: Professor Dr Dragan Micic (Belgrade) and three vice-presidents: Professor Dr Jagoda Jorga (Belgrade), Professor Dr Slobodan Antic (Nis) and Professor Dr Tatjana Ivkovic – Lazar (Novi Sad). Secretary of SASO is Assistant Professor Dr Mirjana Sumarac (Belgrade) and treasurer is Assistant Dr Milena Velojic (Nis). SASO represents voluntary, non-political association of citizens which are united together with the aims on study of obesity and improvements of prevention and treatment of obesity, especially to promote and support investigations in the field of obesity directed to the causes, prevention and treatment; to improve the flow of new knowledge in the field of obesity and to facilitate its application,; to facilitate the contacts between the individuals and organization which are interested for some of the aspects of obesity problems and maintenance of body weight and to participate in the implementation of the measures to counteract obesity. The Association works through the organization of two yearly meetings, sending the information to the members of SASO and to the mass media, publishing the relevant information¡¯s, journal and books, coordinate and participate in the meetings that are relevant for the problem of obesity, participate in the selection of the best studies from the obesity, giving the recognitions to the young investigators and supporting the participation of young investigators on international meetings, help foundation and work of the organizations which are counteracting obesity problems in Serbia. First working Meeting of SASO is planned for 21st February under the title: The position of Serbia in the lights of WHO European Charter on Counteracting Obesity with seven different topics.